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Doc Wong Favor to Ask: Possible NEW Long Distance Touring Workshop

From: Doc W.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 11:19 AM


I'm considering doing yet ANOTHER workshop!!!  Good thing I'm hyperactive. ;-)

I have a guest speaker that's a very experienced long distance Iron Butt rider that is willing to share his knowledge of long distance riding and touring. I would appreciate it if you'd help me by answering the following questions.

1. Is the topic of long distance riding or touring of any interest to you?  Scale of 1-10  (10 being the most interested)

2. What would you like to know about touring?

3.  Can you list some of the things you'd like to know about touring, traveling on a motorcycle or even Iron Butt competitions?

Thanks for your answers!

Yours in great health, great riding and great fun!

Doc Wong

Full Motion Chiropractic
1021 Alameda De Las Pulgas
Belmont, CA 94002
Office: (650)[masked]
Fax: (650)[masked]
[address removed]
Moving from Pain to Optimal Health

(Free initial consultations available to riders for health problems, just e-mail me at [address removed])

Check out the stuff on the Doc Wong (Free) Riding Clinics on my web site!

Note: Photos for "Doc Wong Crashes" are on my web site.
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Special Thanks to Keith Code, his books and school of which much of the Doc Wong Riding Clinics are based.

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