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How the eff will the bartenders handle us when we iinvade nuns??

From: Kitty M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 8:57 PM
Hey Strangers! Welcome everybody who just joined our group this week. There's this awesomely cheesy bar we invade every other month....and this Tuesday we will be showing up w earring hats and giving the bartenders our usual wasted response to their insanely cheap drinks. I heard that Doug the bartender got into some sort of bike accident and got hurt pretty badly. this dude has been serving us drinks for years..and if he hasn't recovered I'm hoping we get his twin brother. Not his evil twin but perhaps a Doug that has been artificially cloned in the kitchen of nuns while theyre frying their famous jack Daniels burgers. Hopefully well have a new Doug..well done with fries. I'm writing this update on my new IPad..and my snazzy stubby fingers are sliding and slipping over the screen like a team of retarded hot oil wrestlers. So please excuse my typos. If you've ever seen an old black and white movie...every guy in it is wearing a HAT!! Now every guy who wore a hat back in the olden days..has a shaved head now. What is this saying about society? It's saying that they wanted to go to our hat party but we we weren't yet. So take advantage now and wear the damn hat! See you at nuns! Kitty your organizer

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