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New Meetup: Women's Let's Rock! Drum Set/Stick Drum Jam

From: Cheri B.
Sent on: Friday, August 27, 2010, 11:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Twin Sum Drum!

What: Women's Let's Rock! Drum Set/Stick Drum Jam

When: Wednesday, September 15,[masked]:45 PM

Price: $12.00 per person

Where: Womens Drum Center
2242 University Ave. W. Enter on Hampden
St. Paul, MN 55114

Let?s Rock!: Intro to Drum set and stick drumming

Some experience( have taken beginners Let's Rock class) Will be a continuation of the first class .This class will continue rock drumming and will introduce the basics of playing drum set and explore other notable percussion instruments used in rock music. The workshop includes stick technique instruction and experimentation with various instruments in a group setting. Sessions may include playing along to popular music. Someone will come to let you in at the door on Hampden St. If you are late please call the phone number on the door or ring the bell.

When: Wed September 15 7:45-9:00 PM Instructor: Nicole Radotich

Fee: $12Womens Drum Center

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