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New drum circle "Urban beats"

From: Deborah B.
Sent on: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 8:16 PM
Hello every body,
Ette Kuku Fonye!
A new drum circle starting this  Saturday, Nov 13, 8-10 pm @ the Dance percussion studio[masked] ave Edmonton
No experience necessary.
The fee is $5. per person.  Please bring a drum if you have one. I only have a few extras so its  first come first serve. The  fee for the use of  a drum is a suggested donation of $5.oo
There is enough space for up to 25 drummers. 
Gently facilitated by Deb Bortscher
Let me know if you are planning to attend so I have an idea of numbers
I look forward to seeing you there!
Deb Bortscher

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