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Career Opportunity at Turner Broadcasting, Inc/

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, December 3, 2010, 3:12 PM

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. is searching for a Lead Web Developer to join our team.

Turner is a leader in news, entertainment and animation programming. The Turner brand includes CNN, TBS, TNT, TCM, TruTV, Cartoon Network, CNN International, HLN and many more. We are a creative, entrepreneurial news and entertainment company with Headquarters in Atlanta and locations through-out the World. To our employees, Turner provides an opportunity to use their skills, collaborate with talented peers, and help make Turner a place where people want to work. Our company has a rich history of programs and initiatives that support life both inside and outside the workplace. Turner’s Total Rewards initiatives include competitive compensation packages and excellent benefits programs.

This Lead Web Developer requires:

7+ years experience with front-end and back-end website development.

Expert experience; Drupal, JavaScript, Perl, CGI, XSLT, Agile methodologies

Large scale website environment

Strong leadership abilities

Technical Degree

The complete job description may be viewed at requisition number [masked]BR). We offer a very competitive salary and outstanding benefits package.

If you are not currently seeking a new opportunity, please feel free to forward this along with my contact information below to others in your network who may be interested. I appreciate your time and consideration.


Marlo Wilkes

Senior Recruiter – Technology
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
One CNN Center I Atlanta, GA  30303
[address removed] l

Turner Recruiting:  Entertaining Possibilities! 


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