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New Leadership, New Programs, and DrupalCamp

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Friday, April 4, 2014, 11:56 AM


We are excited for the future of ADUG…there are new types of meetings, new sponsors, new speakers, and new leadership. ADUG is a staple of the Atlanta development and open-source community, and we aim to keep it that way. For years we have brought new ways to apply Drupal, develop Drupal, and flat out appreciate the innovation the Drupal community has provided.

This year, we plan on having some meetings focused around learning from both a ground level and continued education approach of features and modules. This will bring new speakers and ideas forward that will benefit the community, and we are excited to be a part of that.

We also know where we came from…ADUG would like to thank everyone who has helped us over the years, especially MediaCurrent. They have been a valuable and knowledgeable asset to us over the years, and we couldn’t be where we are today without them. Special shout outs to Dave Terry, Adam Waid, Andy Thornton, and Chris Hale for the years of service, stress (at times), and program creation. We couldn’t have done this without you and the rest of the team. We hope you all still come on out to the meetings as Drupalers, since you all have the same passion for it that we do.

ADUG would like to ask its members and friends to help out as well, as you are the ones who make ADUG what it is. We are looking for volunteers, sponsors, presenters, and people who want to help us pave a future that benefits all and spares none. All ideas and participation levels are welcome. Feel free to message any of the leadership directly.

As of this moment, the plan of record is that ADUG WILL continue the tradition of hosting DrupalCamp each year. The Leadership Team is in the process of reevaluating ADUG programs and operations to determine how we can make enhancements. Please stay tuned for specific details in a future update.

Let’s all continue to make ADUG a great meeting spot and common place for all.

ADUG Leadership Team

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