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Thursday Night Retailer Event

From: Chris T.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 6:00 PM

Hi everyone,

Great Meetup last night. Kudos to Sherry and Alan for pulling it together, everyone who attended (you are always great!) and special thanks to all of the eBay team who were there to present and answer questions.

Periodically we try and let our members know about other events or things that can help you succeed. Just a quick shoutout for an event happening tomorrow night in San Francisco:

Is Your Business Ready for the Holiday Season?

Join the Bay Area's retailers and learn how you can make this holiday season a success! Top retailers in the industry are offering their insights and advice on how you can get control of your operations, maximize holiday sales and grow your business. Don't miss out on this free opportunity to learn from industry leaders!

While it's a mix of brick and mortar retailers and online application companies, it can be very valuable to learn from retailers even if you only sell online. If you're interested, CLICK HERE TO GET MORE INFO.



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