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New Meetup: The Savvy Home Buyer

From: Rachael B.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 10:44 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Real Estate Workshops at ePlace!

What: The Savvy Home Buyer

When: January 7,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This workshop will focus on making sense of today's market from the perspective of a potential home buyer. We'll talk about:

* deciding on the price point that is right for you
* understanding mortgages, mortgage expenses, and getting pre-approved
* finding a home
* property due diligence and comparative market analysis
* elements of the offer
* home inspection, purchase and sale, mortgage contingency, walk-through and closing
* special discussion of short sales, bank-owned properties, foreclosures, and paths to affordable homeownership

Workshop will run from 6:00 - 8:00. More information at or feel free to email me at [address removed].

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Past workshop participants have said . . .

"Sheena and I got an exceptional amount of info from your workshop last night, thanks for putting that on! I would recommend these workshops to any of my friends!" -- Rich M.

"Very clear presentation. I feel more confident about my search process now!" -- Don K.

" found the mortgage financing session extremely useful last time round. In the realm of the home buying experience, this is the least discussed and probably the most important are to understand." -- Monica W.

Learn more here: