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November Update

From: Murray C.
Sent on: Friday, November 23, 2012, 9:56 AM

Ecospirit Poll: Thank you to everyone who shared their opinion with me via the poll questions. The general consensus was split regarding an annual optional fee, some thought it was a good idea, some did not. The idea of insurance was appealing to many of you but of course this comes at a financial cost. I will mull the input over and look into some insurance costs to see what is possible for us moving forward.

Event Organizers: A number of you expressed some interest in leading events and Elspeth stepped into the role with vigor, especially with some weekday events that are proving to be quite popular. Thank you to all of our organizers, past present and future! I have posted a date for our 2013 Leadership Retreat. It is my intent to do more moving ahead to inspire new leaders for club events. I have also culled our list of Ecospirit leaders removing anyone who has not posted an event. It is my intent to keep that list current with active organizers.

Open Calendar: A couple of you suggested that it would be nice if anyone could create an event. You can! We have an open calendar, anyone can create an event and as soon as three people sign up for it the event is posted to the membership. Do this a couple of times and I will promote you to Event Organizer status with the increased site permissions that come with it.

Pub Socials: We used to have these regularly but attendance started to slip so eventually I cancelled them. I am going to bring them back with a leadership focus. I will create some "Organizer Workshops" designed specifically for anyone who has interest or aspirations about creating an event for our calendar but would like some hands on help for the first one or two to see how they like it and ensure it goes smoothly. At the event we will sit down and plan out the event you have in mind and get it posted together.

Thanks again everyone, the snow season is soon upon us, enjoy!

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