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Hey it's Matt............

From: Matt
Sent on: Sunday, September 11, 2011, 1:16 PM



How have you been doing? Wow I guess the summer is finally over. Oh well. Back to work I guess right. I was just praying for a friend but I gave them a bit of advice as well. Thought I'd share it with the group. Maybe someone else can benefit from it. So the guy was strapped for cash and was looking for a way to make money. So I thought I'd give them some ideas. I ended up with this list off the top of my head: (so this is the email I sent to them...)


Sell some old stuff you don't need

Get a full or part time job

Work for a temp agency

work extra hours

Analyze your budget and current spending and temporarily get rid of anything that's not 100% essential. No more movie nights, going to the bar, restaurants, casino, shopping etc until your back on your feet.

Figure out some kind of essencial service you could sell such as mowing lawns, junk removal, dog walking, grocery delivery or other, general labor, or anything else you might have a skill in doing. Post it online in whatever classified ad website is most popular in your area.

Pawn something you can go without for a while.

Get a cash advance loan on your paycheck

Get a title loan on something you own.

See if the bank will give you a line of credit or title loan

Cash in any investments you have or any RRSP's, 401k's or whatever

Get a credit card, use that until you get back on your feet

Ask a friend or family member for a IOU

Start a small shoe string business from home. Rule of thumb. You want to "make money" not spend money. So avoid anything that requires too much time to get started or out of pocket expense in the beginning.  Start something that meets a "need" in the community you live in. Like carpet cleaning, computer repair, painting, landscaping, or anything that's cheap to start and that you can find in the yellow pages. If it's not in the yellow pages it's not a big enough need.

Talk to your pastor and see if they can help

Also most importantly start to think of yourself as someone that "know's how to make money, quickly and easily".

and or try a combination of these things. Now make your own list of say 20 ways that you can make some quick money. Then from that list narrow it down to what's gonna be the fastest and best solution(s) (you can do more than one idea). Good luck.

.... "Dear Lord please help this person to get the funds they need. Help them to understand that money will pour into their life as they start to work smart and hard. Amen."


Anyway, that was the email. I think most entrepreneurs are pretty resourceful people. We know know how to make money, or we can come up with many ways just off the tops of our head to make it. These were mostly just quick fixes I was trying to offer him fyi. Anyway....


And the meeting of the Edmonton Entrepreneur meetup is at the Callingwood second cup on Sept 19th at 7pm. Be there or be square. ha ha


Matt       Please rsvp now

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