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My $55 Living Social/Amazon Local Ad - Less than 13 hours to purchase!

From: Katt L.
Sent on: Friday, March 9, 2012, 11:17 AM
Hello Everyone!
Please take a look at this special deal I'm offering through Living Social / Amazon Local: for the next 12 hours or so you can purchase an Energy or Hypnotherapy session for the special price of only $55. The discount will not be extended beyond the terms offered through Amazon Local so please take a look and purchase quick! If you cannot make it to my office I am happy to offer you the same price for a phone or skype session. You will receive a recorded version of the hypnotic part of your session. I am eager to reach as many people as I can with this promotion. If you have experienced the benefits of a session with me and believe you know someone who may benefit too, please pass this offer on. In any case, please re-post it to your Facebook page and spread the word of the good work we do together at Connect Within. Thanks! -Katt Lowe

Your Local Deal for
Westside / South Bay
Another great deal from AmazonLocal
433 North Camden Avenue
Suite 400
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Hour-Long Hypnotherapy or Reiki Session
Connect Within
Sold by LivingSocial
$ 55
56% ($70)
View this deal
The Details

The mind is the headquarters of your body's own intelligence agency. But, if your reconnaissance work has done little to uncover why you compulsively crave rocky road ice cream at 2 a.m., today's deal could be just the intel you need. Spend $55 (regularly $125) and choose either an hour-long hypnotherapy or Reiki session at Connect Within in Beverly Hills.

Pick hypnotherapy, which may potentially help with weight loss, stress relief, smoking cessation, and more. Or explore Reiki, an energy healing practice designed to aid you in feeling clear-headed and peaceful. Owner Katt Lowe has focused on these methods for years, so consider her your secret agent for sussing out the key to healing from within. There's no doubt you'll spy a bargain with this deal, so make self-improvement your mission.


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