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App Demo @ Meetup, Thurs 5/16

From: Peter C.
Sent on: Saturday, May 11, 2013, 12:27 AM


Instead of our usual Talk, we’ll primarily do a Demo at the Meetup on Thurs 16 May.  The presenter, Madassir, has a mobile App for phones that makes it simpler to load, ID & share photos via Flickr.


Madassir will give some background on the App:


- When he started. How long it took.


- Why did he create the product?


- What kind of response from previous products?        etc.


Then, he will do the DEMO.


Your questions will be welcomed.



We meet at Dennys, Mlp 237 & 880

          7pm for Dinner & Networking

          8-9pm for the Presentation


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