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*****ESL meetings.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Saturday, November 28, 2015, 3:36 PM

Hello everyone,

We may have noticed that I have been bringing a clipboard to some of the meetings.  This is so that I can keep track of the no-shows.

We have three meetings in the near future.  The first will take place onFriday, December 4th, at 6:30pm, at The Tea Factory,[masked]th St SW.  The second will take place on Sunday, December 6th, at 1:30pm, at Sunterra Keynote Market,[masked]th Av SE.  The third will take place on Sunday, December 13th, at 1:00pm, at Caffe Artigiano, 332 6th Ave SW (Centrium building).

These are 6, 8 and 15 days from now.
Please go now and RSVP for these.

I am looking forward to seeing us all at the meetings!
