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New Meetup: The European Meetup in May - Grill Room at Coconut Point Mall

From: Andreas
Sent on: Saturday, May 1, 2010, 5:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Europeans of Fort Myers and Naples!

What: The European Meetup in May - Grill Room at Coconut Point Mall

When: Friday, May 21,[masked]:00 PM

The Grill Room
23161 Village Shops Way
Estero, FL 33928

It has been a while since our last meetup. But here we go again. Everybody is invited to come.

Join us for a drink or some good food at the Grill Room at Coconut Point Mall. It's easy to find since it's located next to the Blue Water Bistro and California Pizza.

On Fridays, it's pretty descent at the Grill Room. They have a live piano player who plays whatever you wish. Food is great, but also has it's price. If you don't want, you don't have to get dinner. It's happy hour on Friday nights on some of the drinks. We'll be sitting outside.

We will also meet together with the German Meetup Group, so there will be additional people joining us.

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