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FCAT Nov MeetUp - Short Term Momentum Trading

From: Miles
Sent on: Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 12:40 PM
I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:
When: November 12,[masked]:00 PM

McLean Government Ctr
1437 Balls Hill Rd
McLean, VA 22101
703-FAIRFAX [masked])

Price: $2.00 per person

Bill Hider is a Short Term Momentum Trader. Bill was trained by a professional
trader/mentor and has been trading for his own account for over 4 years. Bill
trades stock options exclusively using technical analysis. He uses a specific set
of technical indicators that he will describe in his presentation.

As this bull market has progressed, Bill has changed his trading time horizon, but
not his underlying strategy.

Bill will describe his trading style and provide examples of his:

Stock selection
Trade entry decisions
Ongoing trade management
Trade exits

You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:

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