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Have Legitimate Complaints You Are Welcome to email Louisiana Film Office [address removed]

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 12:35 PM

Have Legitimate Complaints You Are Welcome to please email Louisiana Film Office [address removed]

If anybody is abused in any way or is mistreated, please email Amanda Hafford at the LA Film Office at [address removed]

Day, Date Time
Whom to Who
What happened? EXAMPLES: Told to go home after you report on assigned calltime (not if you are one minute late); no water given, no or lack of facilities, not paid within six weeks, extreme verbal abuse, no food at or after six hours, dangerous conditions, no Releases, abuse from others, having no contact numbers, lack of Security, arrests, handicap facilites, breaches, etc.

NOTE: These have to be legitimate complaints. There is nothing Casting can do about 99.9 of these problems. The Casting Offices and Agents are doing their very best to advocate on part of Actors and Extras. The Unions are doing their best for their Members on Crew, etc. Blaming the casting office is a NoNo. The Film Commissions are going beyond the Call of their Duty to solve problems and have been extremely successful when we had the Springbreak problems.

There ars many ways I will share at Baton Rouge Meetup tonight http://www.filmind.meetup./.com/228 , as how we can prevent problems such as late pay, etc. from arising, such as completing our vouchers completely and legibly. Being Quiet on Sets, Show up early and allow time for incidences (lost, flat tire etc.) to happen, meetups like tonight-hear from the other side, NOARC Actors Expo, Unions, legislature, etc. I will also provide successful Solutions in the past to problems we had/use to have.