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Meetup on October 14th in need of a venue if any one has one to offer

From: user 7.
Sent on: Friday, September 18, 2009, 7:48 PM
The NY FinTech meetup is putting on an event on October 14th at which Alan Maillet of Redline Trading Solutions will talk about new high performance computing technologies such as cell-based hardware for applications such as high frequency trading. However, we are in need of a venue that can possibly accommodate up to 5o attendees. If you have a venue you can offer please let me know.

This is will be the start of a regular monthly series of presentations and discussions covering new and emerging technologies on Wall Street. We hope to have other leading edge and innovative technology companies present in the coming months covering topics such as cloud computing, mashups, risk management systems...

You can email me with suggestions or venue offers at [address removed]

A big thank you in advance to anyone who can help out with the offer of a suitable venue.

John Matthews
Organizer of NY FinTech meetup
Organizer of NY Green Tech meetup (next event in-conjunction with NYC ACRE on Sept 24th, a Climate Week NYC associated event )

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