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Rick reminder: Holiday SOJO this Sunday!

From: Rick M.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 9:03 AM
Good tidings fellow SOJOers,

Just a friendly reminder that our Holiday Extravaganza and last SOJO of the year is taking place this Sunday from 12:30 to 4:30 in the big Party Room in our usual building. And you don't want to miss it!

We'll have our standard folk format for the first half, Christmas carols for the second half, and an hour break in between to enjoy a pot luck with the best folkies in the world.

So far 21 people have RSVPd Yes and 3 Maybe. If your Sunday plans are coming into sharper focus, please RSVP. You can do so here (scroll down to Our next meetup):

I will have copies of Rise Up Singing for sale from $8 to $19 depending on condition.

I'm contributing lyrics to John Lennon's Happy Christmas, and I'll also bring lyrics to Eve of Destruction (surprised we haven't done that one yet) and probably grab California Dreaming from Margie's stash since I was out the one other time you guys did that one.

Also, nobody has yet stepped forward to volunteer to show people to the kitchen if they arrive after the singing starts. I'd prefer someone without an instrument to volunteer to help out your faithful organizer in this way. Think about it and let me know. I'd appreciate it!

Please print out and bring with you at least one copy of our Christmas songs, found here:

Lastly, please sign up for pot luck items here:

Thanks a ton for your team spirit! Looking forward to the festivities for our final blow out of 2007! And thanks for your part in making SOJO's first year a stupendous one!


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