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Free GOTO Nights on mobile: banking and iBeacons in London and Leeds!

From: Ewa K.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 3:20 PM

I am writing to let you know about our free GOTO Nights that we do organize in London, but now also in Leeds!

GOTO Nights are evening community events, driven by involvement from both speakers and participants. We provide a light meal/snacks and drinks. The entrance pass is 100% free, no charge required(!). All Trifork GOTO Nights are listed on our website: https://www.trifor...­

I would like to draw your attention to the Mobile in Banking GOTO Night in Leeds: How to get 1 M Mobile Payers in 6 months - and capture the retail market?https://www.trifor...­

and Mobile GOTO Night on iBeacons, taking place on August 13 in Leeds: https://www.trifor...­ and on August 14th in London: https://www.trifor...­

We will soon be sold out so be quick and save your spot asap!

If you want to separate the wheat from the chaff and actually start working with iBeacons - and deliver a sustainable, profitable ecosystem of communication with iBeacons as a driver - join our hands-on training on iBeacons in Leeds:https://www.trifor...­ or 3 days iOS Advanced Course with iBeacons in London: https://www.trifor...­

Best regards,
Ewa Kucharczyk

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