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Standards Of Masonic Etiquette

From: Rashied
Sent on: Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 4:48 PM
Brothers & Sisters,
I want to ask a couple of questions for your thought, and perhaps your comment.  I'm not asking because I don't have an answer after 20 years in the Craft, but because of an interjurisdictional difference in perceptions of Masonic culture that I have noticed over the years, and I'd like to see us discuss it.
Masonry, as a general rule throughout the Craft, has a couple of areas that are generally and traditionally outside the scope of what is considered appropriate for Fraternal intercourse.  Amongst these, three come immediately to mind:
1.  Discussion of matters that pertain to Religion in general is acceptable, but not of sectarian religion, as in "my faith is best, because..."
2.  Discussion of matters that pertain to Politics (State Craft) in general is acceptable, but not of partisan politics, as in "my party is best, because...  And that's why you should register with my party... get Joe Neckbone out of office...  vote for..."
3.  Promote commercial endeavors for profit, whereby one gains competitive advantage by virtue of Masonic membership.
I'm merely making mention of three areas that in the Masonic world at large are considered to be out of bounds, and my personal opinion is not a part of the question; I'll be clear about when I am offering it.  However, I've seen all these three on several occasions.  What are your thoughts about them?
.?. Rashied ~
(37) PHA-NY