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New Meetup: July Jam Factory Meetup

From: Nick B.
Sent on: Thursday, July 1, 2010, 10:16 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Oxford French Language Meetup Group!

What: July Jam Factory Meetup

When: Tuesday, July 13,[masked]:30 PM

The Jam Factory Restaurant and Gallery
Entrance & Hollybush Row 27 Park End St

Two meetups last month seemed to work well, so we're trying it again! We'll be meeting on Tuesday 13th July in the Jam Factory, and Thursday 22nd July at The Angel And Greyhound Pub.

On Tuesday 13th, we'll be meeting in our usual haunt of the Jam Factory, which is to the west of the city centre near the station. Come along, join us for a drink, and practice your French! All levels from competent beginner through to native speaker are welcome :)

We're normally on one of the larger tables, keep an eye out for the little meetup sign, or listen out for the large group chatting away merrily in French!

(Emi should back from exams and travelling in August!)

PS Please bring 1 pound to the meetup to help run the group. Thanks!

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