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The old Ray hare turns 40

From: Lapinesoul
Sent on: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 5:15 PM
Hi everyfur. This isn't an official meetup but an informal invitation to those of you who know me and tolerate me and want to wish me well by helping me celebrate my 40th birthday. It's officially on the 13th but I've chosen to celebrate it early. I am going to be holding a small get-together at a classy little vegan restaurant in the Capitol Hill area.
Date: Sunday, October 9th
Time: 5:30 - 6:00 start time
Place: Teapot Vegetarian House located at[masked]th Avenue E. in Capitol Hill. (Look for a second story stairway)
Attendees: A mix of a few members of Furlife (So far Dakota Lynx, Red Claw and Drewfus have RSVPed) and a few personal friends outside of the group.
I'm afraid I'm not able to arrange any kind of free food for anyone but I can vouch for the tastiness of their dishes. Directions and menu are listed here:
Don't fret over a gift; your attendance will be more than sufficient. ^.^ If you do think that you'll be able to make it, please let me know so that I might have a better idea of how many people I should tell the restaurant staff will be coming. If you can't make it but want to wish me well, dropping me a kind word or two will do just fine.
Raymond a.k.a. Lapinesoul

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