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WFS 22 booked for Jan. 30, new FurLife group banner!

From: Kijani L.
Sent on: Monday, November 23, 2015, 1:06 PM

Hello FurLifers,

It is my pleasure to announce that When Furballs Strike 22 has been booked for Saturday, January 30! Here is the link to the Meetup page to register: When Furballs Strike 22: Fursuit Bowling at Kenmore Lanes

Some of you might have heard the news - When Furballs Strike is no longer the World's Largest Furry Bowling Meet - we were eclipsed on Halloween by FurBoliche, a very large furbowl that meets twice a year in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as they had 248 attendees at their most recent one. It's great to hear there are such strong furry communities all around the world, and that just means we have a new mark to strive for. I'm anxious to see if we can do it!

A couple of minor announcements:

After many years of WFS meets at the base price of $9, Kenmore management finally had to raise their prices ever so slightly for the new year - the new bowling fee will be $9.50, which includes 2 games of bowling, shoe rental and one prize raffle ticket. As always, we will be running our popular $12 special which comes with all of the above and FIVE raffle tickets. The special and those who buy extra tickets are the only way our raffle prizes continue to be AWESOME meet after meet, so thanks everyone for your generosity (and for donating prizes!)

It's still a great deal on an afternoon of bowling fun with all your FurLife friends, and I'll do everything I can to keep the price low for years to come.

Also, Kenmore is running an unbelievable nighttime bowling special, on Sunday-Thursday nights after 9pm, games are just $1. With most bowling centers raising prices, "Dollar Days" are almost unheard of, so if you want to get some late-night practice in or head out with a bunch of friends for cheap entertainment, now's the time as the manager told me this deal won't last long.

Finally, I went ahead and purchased a brand-new group banner for us! It's huge, all-weather vinyl, 3' x 8' in size, and would be perfect for parades, or to hang up for big events our group is affiliated with. You can see what it looks like below. I paid for it myself (and of course a banner that size is not cheap), so if anyone would like to contribute towards the cost, please send donations via Paypal to [address removed]. Thanks so much!

Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season and look forward to seeing everyone at WFS 22!


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