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Details about the upcoming Game Jam and Unity sponsored Meetup!

From: Joseph B.
Sent on: Friday, April 13, 2012, 11:18 AM


Super excited to see that the game jam filled up so fast! But please make sure to let everyone know if you can't make it soon, there have been plenty of people who have asked me if they could attend... For those who do actually attend if you end up working in a team make sure to stay the whole session if you can! 

I would also encourage members to use the Unity game engine for the game jam because in May you could potentially have a chance to win a free pro version of Unity!

If you are already serious about developing games using Unity they have kindly given me a bunch of unity pro serials made just for the game jam and game dev meetup in general. If your interested please let me know by contacting me.



It's only a few weeks away (May 14) and it's seeming like it could be a pretty awesome event! Please make sure to tell your game dev friends and let them know about it. Lets help really build out the game dev community in Sacramento!



Just wanted to let everyone know that one of our members has started up a kickstarter for the game he is working on, make sure to give it a look and help support the development of games in Sacramento!

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