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Few quick updates

From: Joseph B.
Sent on: Monday, June 18, 2012, 1:27 PM

Game Jam results

We had our 5th game jam last saturday and it turned out great! I'll be posting the pics and video footage of the game demos some time later today. The next game jam will be some time in July, so stay tuned :-)


Title Quantity PriceGAME ON: A No-Tech Introduction to the Art of Game Design

There will be an intro class to game design at the Urban Hive (downtown co-working space), space is filling up fast so make sure to sign up now! CLICK HERE


"Indie Game: The Movie" screening

We will be doing a screening of the very popular indie game documentary that came out about a week ago at the Art institue. Make sure to check it out if you can! :-D CLICK HERE



Well that is all for now folks, hope you all are enjoying your summer!



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