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It's that time of the month again! Updates :-D

From: Joseph B.
Sent on: Friday, October 26, 2012, 1:25 PM

Howdy hey there boys and girls! I have some lovely stuff to share with you all :-D Look below for the goodies.



Lets Mingle: This event is happening later this evening, i'll probably be doing one of these each month now around this same time :-) If you can make it this evening that be awesome... If not next time.

Give Feedback: This should be a lot of fun, if you have a game you are working on bring it! We will be spending the evening giving feedback on each of the games! Great way to know where you should improve on your game!


Game Jams

Cereal Hack II: This is going to be the hacker labs second big hackathon event! We are joining forces with them to really blow it out! So if your a game developer and want to work with some other people in the Sacramento tech community. You can get a discount on the tickets by using "sacgamehub" as the promo!

Sac Jam 11 Sifteo sponsored: This jam is still the planning phase but it's probably happening sometime in December. I have been working with the awesome people at Sifteo, who will be sponsoring the entire event! Stay tuned for more details!!!



Learning OpenGL Basics with C++: Interested in graphics programming and not sure where to start? LeadWerks game engine creator Josh Klint will be teaching the class.



Ameon Entertainment Unity Job: If you are a Unity developer this seems like a pretty interesting one... May want to check it out if you are an experience Unity dev.

Another Unity Job: Also another Unity job popped up relating to making a game for McDonalds, if any of you Unity devs interested let me know and i can pass it along!


Other events

Github game jam: Game jams are becoming more and more popular! And now Github is doing there own game jam :-D

Make a game — Take it to Market — Earn $1: This is a nifty little game jam challenge for what's left of October, try and see if you can make a game and get it sold for a dollar :-D


Well that's it for now everyone! Looking like November going to be an interesting month :-)

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