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New Meeting: NonViolent Resistance Training

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, May 15, 2008, 10:13 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The Chicago LGBT Christians Meetup Group!

What: NonViolent Resistance Training

When: Saturday, June 7, 1:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Same-gender couples with or without children, supportive straight couples and families, single-parent families, and single individuals who want to learn how to stand against injustice in a nonviolent way.

Why: Learn resistance as a spiritual practice - FOLLOW the WAY of Jesus, as did Martin Luther King and Ghandi as they resisted injustice.
Find out more about the upcoming "American Family Outing" Planned for June 7-8th

Meeting Description: Nonviolent Resistance Training by SoulForce and briefing about the American Family Outing

FREE Training Saturday June 7th from 10am - noon - Free

DIVERSE FAMILIES and allies invited to join others from around the country to create meaningful dialogs about faith, families and LGBTQ people.

Same-gender couples with or without children, supportive straight couples and families, single-parent families, and single individuals who want to participate with a member of their extended family, are invited to join this historic dialog.
? Learn how you can use nonviolent resistance techniques employed by Gandhi and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King to resist oppression.
? Find out how you can support and participate in the ?American Family Outing? in June as families talk with mega-church leaders and congregation members.

Pot lucks, picnics and soulful talk are the order of the day as Soulforce, the Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), the National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC), COLAGE and other national organizations invite mega-churches to talk-the-talk so everyone is free to walk-the-walk.

Local event coordinated by achurch4me? a ministry of the Metropolitan Community Churches.

See or call[masked] or email [address removed] for more information.

Learn more here:

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