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Recent ABC radio podcasts

From: Paul B.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 5:24 PM
Hi all

Have been listening to a few podcasts from ABC - FutureTense program

What are the pros and cons of ditching the chalk and going digital? And do we need to go beyond teaching kids how to use software and get them to learn about the nuts and bolts of computer programming itself?

They talked to the creators of Raspberry PI

3-D printing techniques offer a chance to make manufacturing more efficient and flexible, but as we'll hear they also pose challenges to traditional labour relations and to intellectual property rights.

As our fast paced digital world continues what does that mean for the way we think about preserving things like old webpages and obsolete media formats? Are there possible lessons from our digital past for our digital future? We explore the fragility of our electronic data and also the temporary nature of the technology we use to access it. We also join the excavation of a 1970s computer chip called the 6502!

Paul Breuker

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