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Google+ Meetup Kickoff Meeting with Ben Parr @500Startups - Wednesday 8/24/11

From: Robert S.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 1:35 PM
What:    Google+ Meetup Kickoff Meeting with Ben Parr
When:   Aug[masked]  6:30 to 8:30 pm
Where:  500Startups, 444 Castro Street, Mountainview, CA

Come join us for the kickoff of the Google+ meetup with keynote by Ben Parr, Editor-At-Large of Mashable.

6:30 Pizza + networking.

7:00  Five lightning talks

Let us know if you want to be one of 5 lightning talks/demos with 5 minutes to share a hack/extension/unique addon or something wow about using Google+ (ping Sudha Jamthe or Robert Schwentker on Google+ or on the meetup site)

7:30 Keynote by Ben Parr of Mashable "Google Plus Meetup Kickoff: An Aspiring World Changer Circles G+"


ps let us know if you're interested in pizza sponsorship opportunity.

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