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Wearables DevCon. March 5–7, 2014, San Francisco

From: lawrence
Sent on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 10:29 AM

To GDG Developers,

There is a brand new Developer Conference on Wearables happening in San Francisco (Burlingame, CA) on March 5-7, 2014. It's being organized and run by the same good people who put on the regular AnDevCon.

Take a look at their tutorial sessions and their classes. I will be leading a class on developing and designing a finance application for Google Glass.

Use the promo code MEETUP and register for it by January 24th to maximize your discounts. I'll give you guys more information about its expo hall and any surrounding meetups as soon as I'm given those details.

Wearables DevCon is the technical conference for software developers, builders, and designers of wearable computing devices. Get practical answers, roll up your sleeves, and learn how to program the hardware and software powering the coming generation of wearable technology. Learn how to develop for the coolest gadgets and next wave of computing devices like Google Glass, FitBit, Pebble, the SmartWatch 2, Jawbone, and the Galaxy Gear SmartWatch and be a part of the wearables technology revolution!

Lawrence Wong,


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