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New Meetup: The November 2010 Pittsburgh German Language Meet Up

From: Gretchen G.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 7:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Pittsburgh German Language Meetup Group!

What: The November 2010 Pittsburgh German Language Meet Up

When: Tuesday, November 30,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Penn Brewery
800 Vinial Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Let's give the ol' Penn Brewery another go at it!

Tuesday, November 30 @ 6:30.

Wir sehen uns!

P.S. Sorry about the last dinner at Atria's ... I didn't realize they stopped offering their Oktoberfest menu 2 weeks before the end of the month. I think everyone had fun anyway!

P.P.S We're still having a problem with too many people RSVP-ing and NOT showing up. I had Atria's get us a table for 14 people, and I believe fewer than half showed up. Please be diligent about updating your RSVP status if you decide last minute that you can't show up. Thanks!

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