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AW: [german-61] Looking for German Speakers to work at Google Pittsburgh (6-12 month contract)

From: sandy
Sent on: Monday, May 6, 2013, 1:04 PM
I speak and write perfect German but I don't have a Bachelors Degree :(

--- Eva Light <[address removed]> schrieb am Mo,[masked]:

Von: Eva Light <[address removed]>
Betreff: [german-61] Looking for German Speakers to work at Google Pittsburgh (6-12 month contract)
An: [address removed]
Datum: Montag, 6. Mai,[masked]:03 Uhr

Hello all German Speakers in the Pittsburgh area!


I am looking for German speakers to work at Google Shopping in Pittsburgh.  If you are interested or know someone who would like to work with Google, please let me know or contact me directly.


There are several openings.  Google is known for being a great work place, pay is competitive!


Please see below the job description for this position.


Google Browse Knowledge Specialist



In this role you will work in a fast-paced environment, partner closely with our Product and Engineering teams, and use your entrepreneurial drive to contribute to the long-term growth of Google Shopping. You will work to enhance the online shopping experience by performing in-depth research, analyzing product specification data, and generating category-specific feature lists for products using highly technical internal tools and processes.



- Quickly learn and build expertise in new processes and technical applications, including a proprietary, simplified programming language.

- Build product expertise on a large quantity of diverse products through thorough research and analysis of data from multiple channels. Determine feature breakdown on a per-category basis and resolve conflicts between ambiguous features.

- Use editorial skills to organize information, write, and publish high-quality online content, according to the requirements regarding order, clarity, conciseness, style, and terminology.

- Edit, standardize, and suggest changes to materials prepared by others.

- Manage time effectively and adapt to frequently changing processes and requirements.



- A Bachelor’s degree preferred with a strong academic record. Master’s degree a plus. Background in Computer Science or Programming a plus.

- Relevant degree or 2-3 years of relevant experience, such as technical writing, product documentation, information management, or market research.

- Strong computer and Internet skills and natural comfort with technology. Ability to learn technical processes quickly and thoroughly.

- Intellectual curiosity, along with excellent research, fact-finding, analytical, and independent problem solving skills.

- Strong written communication skills with a keen editorial sense for creating high-quality, customer-facing materials.

- Efficient, organized, and detail-oriented with demonstrated ability to deliver high-quality results on tight deadlines under minimal guidance.

- Adaptable, flexible, and capable of working both independently and as part of a team in dynamic, fast-paced environments.

- Experience with online shopping.

***Language skills in French and/or German a very strong plus***

***Expertise Consumer Electronics and/or Apparel also a plus***





Recruitment Consultant


[address removed]



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