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Fun Stuff This Weekend

From: user 8.
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 3:15 PM
Hello my dears!

Just a quick message to give ya'll some deets on what's happening this weekend. We have no formal event planned but there is a Caribbean Festival taking place in North Vancouver at Waterfront Park on Saturday and Sunday. Some of us peeps are heading down there on Saturday to watch the parade.

On Saturday night the Festival of Lights continues at English Bay. Lots of girls will be down there and we may even have an imprompt party on Saturday night to celebrate. Add me to Facebook for up to the minute updates!

Lastly, I'm calling out all of my beauty & wellness pros in the group! As most of you know I've teamed up with Juicy Communications to launch The Kitty Card this fall and we're having a photo shoot on August 4th or 5th. We need a hair stylist, makeup artist, photographer and some wardrobe goodies. We're offering up one of our killer Kitty Card sponsorship packages and recognition on our FB, Meetup & Twitter pages in exchange for services offered. Contact me for the deets!


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