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Sail Boat Partnership Available - 1981 Newport 30

From: Craig R.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 3:40 PM

Our partnership on our 1981 Newport 30 has been going strong for 14 years. One of our partners has bought his own boat and is leaving the partnership. Late last summer, we replaced our diesel with a brand new electric motor. What a great addition to our boat. We primarily use the boat for day sails and weekend trips. Equity partnership. $4000 to join and $100 per month. We think this is one of the most economical partnerships on the bay for a 30' boat. Spinnaker, legal head, 6'4" headroom, sleeps 4-5, wheel, green! Emeryville has proven to be a great place to moor our boat as it is central to all the bay has to offer. Let's go sailing!

You should have lots of sailing experience and know how to handle the boat in 35 knots in the slot.  Please contact me if you are interested.  [address removed]  Craig

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