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Meet A Mentor - Queen Mary, University of London

Photo of Barry Cranford
Hosted By
Barry C.


Meet A Mentor - Queen Mary, University of London

Have you always wondered what you want to do when you graduate?
Are you worried about all the talk of grads finding it hard to find work and what it will mean for you?
Do you want to know the difference between working in a bank, a gaming company or a startup?
What technology should you specialise in? Java, Ruby or any of the other countless programming languages?

Now is the chance to find out. You may well have heard the buzz about the Meet a Mentor events - this is the next in a series of events open to all students.

This is a chance for you to meet a variety of senior developers currently working in the industry; you will get a chance to listen to their stories and even ask them questions. It will be a 'speed dating' style event in groups of 5-8 with each mentor having 10-15 minutes to tell their story and share their experiences in the industry. We have an amazing line up on presenters, everything from startups to the financial and media industrys, open source enthusiasts, senior developers, entrepreneurs and CTOs. You will also find an experienced recruiter who will be able give you advice and answer your questions regarding your career options, the software industry, job applications and different job positions.

Sign up now to be guaranteed a place at this event.

Directions and location information:

At previous events GDC members have found this venue/particular room hard to find.

This event is being held in the Francis Bancroft Building - Room Number: FB 1.15.

Please see this map for further information (the building is numbered 26 on this map)

The actual signs at the building will say 'Bancroft' building only, rather than Francis Bancroft.

Directions -

From Mile End Station you will need to turn left out of the station and then continue for 5 mins approx. up the Mile End Road and then cross over the road to the QM campus and go into the East Gate. This is the first entrance to QM you come to when coming from the direction of Mile End Tube. Continue straight on up Westfield Way for a couple of minutes and then bear left at the Curve cafe. The Bancroft Building is on your right (number 26 on the map).

Organised by RecWorks: (

Photo of Graduate Developer Community group
Graduate Developer Community
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FB 1.15 Francis Bancroft Building,
Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Rd, London, E1 4NS · London