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Lego XP Game at King's College London - Help needed to get the word out

From: Anji C.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 1:23 PM

Hi everyone,

As you may be aware, we have an event coming up on the 6th February – it’s the Lego XP Game at King's College London -
We want to get as many under-graduates as possible to the event – it’s a great chance to network with fellow students, learn about Agile and meet some top developers.
If you could spread the word about this free event, you will be doing the group a massive favour - do you have any friends who may be interested?
Would you be able to talk to your lecturer about publicising the event?
Are you a member of any social-networking groups and would be happy to mention the event there?
If you have any ideas on how to get word our about this event it would be really appreciated and will really help benefit the group!
Thank you for your help,

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