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The London Developer Sessions

From: Anji C.
Sent on: Thursday, January 10, 2013, 10:20 AM
Hi all, 

Many of you may know about our Meet a Mentor programme, but I realise that many of you may not really know about what we do with our monthly Developer Sessions event. 

We've actually been trying to connect students and graduates with mentors for several years through the developer sessions. It is an open, highly informal event. It is basically just a room in a pub with a bunch of developers that don't know each other, getting together to talk about various aspects of development. We have a dedicated area in a nice pub, sponsored food, we generally attract between 40-80 developers to come along, some regular offenders and several of those on the GDC Mentor list. Several of the RecWorks team will also be onsite and happy to help with recruitment advice.

If you want specific CV advice, then bring along your CV and we'll do what we can to personally review it.

It is the ideal event for those that want to follow up from a recent Meet a Mentor event, or those that weren't able to make any of our other events. If you can make it along then please come down. 

Tuesday 15th January at 6:30pm
The Slug and Lettuce, 19/20 Hanover Street, London 

Reply and let us know if you plan to come along.



Anji Conroy
Personal Assistant

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