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RE: Meet-A-Mentor Events

From: Mani
Sent on: Sunday, October 19, 2014, 1:19 AM
Hi all,

It was a pleasure to meet you guys at the various MaM events that took place in the last few weeks.

As most of us shared advise with a common theme of:
* do more than what's taught on your course
* join various communities that fall in your professional interest especially computers and programming related
* for those interest in data science, its bigdata and data science related groups
* create online and social media profiles on,,,, your blogsite of choice
* start writing your own blogs and share recommended blogs with others
* collaborate with developers online and offline - doing F/OSS (Free Open Source Software)
* go to hackathons and hackdays organised once or twice a month
* practice programming and read about new tech online or via printed material
* start looking at potential jobs on various job listing sites to get an idea of what you want to become and what you should study

If you do most or all of these, and build up a profile over a long period of time, you will be visible to prospective opportunities and employers. This is one of the ways to get ahead of the race.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to write back to me or the mailing list. Also stay in touch with organisers of these events for further updates or career advise.


@theNeomatrix369  | Blog ( |
LJC Associate & LJC Advocate  (@adoptopenjdk & @adoptajsr)
Come to Devoxx UK 2015:

Hi All

Great to see so many of you at the Meet-A-Mentor event at Queen Mary on Thursday evening

We have now held two of our Meet a Mentor events this month: at UCL on 1 October and Queen Mary College on 9 October. Many thanks also to all the mentors who made both sessions, we had some great feedback from students that hearing the realities of working in different fields of the software industry was so interesting and enlightening. That is exactly why RecWorks founded the GDC - to build better understanding of the industry for us as recruiters and for students and graduates looking to start their careers.

Also, don't forget, If you are looking for work, get in touch, and send your CV to me here at [address removed] or alternatively feel free to check out our Graduate Services pages and job search opportunities at .

If you haven't made it along to a Meet a Mentor event yet, we look forward to seeing you at a future session. Watch the GDC events board for details.

Warm regards,


Nicola Morton

Community Support Executive
If you like what we do please tweet about it. Just use the hashtag #recworksreco. Our first job video

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