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Fw: pluckers & paws

From: Rex and Lisa B.
Sent on: Friday, June 28, 2013, 4:01 PM
Attached is a flyer for the Plucker's for PAWS event on July 20th.  Please feel free to distribute to friends and family and encourage everyone to go eat there and mention they are there for PAWS of Austin.  Plucker's will be donating 20% of the food and non-alcoholic beverage sales purchased between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. Thanks for supporting PAWS of Austin.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Courtney Leigh <[address removed]>
To: Rex & Lisa Butterfield <[address removed]>
Sent: Friday, June 28,[masked]:55 PM
Subject: pluckers & paws

Flyer for the 20th!
PMAD logo
Courtney Leigh[masked]
P.A.W.S. of Austin Event Coordinator & Special Needs Foster
PMAD Founder Texas Chapter & Director
Owner Canine Camp & Spa!
Animals are thinking, feeling and experiencing beings.
They have basic rights because they have the capacity to suffer.
We have a duty to protect those rights.

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