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Re: [libertarian-397] I OWN ME

From: David
Sent on: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 6:35 PM
Sure! So long as my signature is left on it. 

Love your freedom, 

David Wallace 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2013, at 5:58 PM, Christopher <[address removed]> wrote:

I want to send this to the Democratic Party's and Obama's fb just to see how many likes/comments I get. They'll agree to the libertarian principle without realizing they are actuallt libertarians.

On Apr 2,[masked]:51 PM, "David" <[address removed]> wrote:


Among libertarians the notion of a sovereign self often goes beyond a mere realization to the point of being an actual awakening.  I won't recuse myself from being overly dramatic about this because for me it is dramatic.  To realize, or to discover, rather, that you have complete ownership of yourself is to finally and fully comprehend that any form of slavery is completely illegitimate and that you are truly a non slave!  What makes this, at least for me, more on the order of an awakening, is that it is also a kind of self discovery.

In the same way as Socrates discovered that the higher expression of his nature is to reason; in the same way as Descartes brilliantly evolved man's thinking by putting philosophy in the first person; the modern libertarian, who discovers self ownership, at once evolves and enlightens his own identity while simplifying what others make ridiculously complex. Read to me the history of economics by Spiegel, the Rise and fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, the History of civilization by Durant; start from the A's in the library of congress and finish with the Z's and when it is all over, one fact remains:


I own me.


You don't really need to know anything about politics or economics to awaken to this.  All leaders, thinkers, poets, priests, artists an