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Happy New Year, Getting Things Done DC Productivity Meetup!

From: Ray S.
Sent on: Monday, January 9, 2012, 2:29 PM

Hi there, fellow GTDDCists!

I want to wish you all a happy new year and here's to a productive and fulfilling 2012! We have many exciting things happening, but I won't belabor you with all the details now. In brief, the Team Accountability Project (TAP) will be launching as soon as I get a few spare hours to complete the website, we'll be having member- or outside speaker-presentations once a month (and where we don't, I'll fill in the gap with something fun and interesting!), our fifth anniversary of GTDDC party coming in March, re-launch of the popular, quarterly "Productivity 101" workshops in DC & NYC, and we'll be tipping our toes into the water with discussing Making It All Work by David Allen (David's successor book to Getting Things Done)! We have some awesome topics and a great group of core members with all sorts of GTD and productivity expertise and experience to share, so if you haven't made it out in a while (or want to come out to your first GTDDC meetup), please join us soon!

On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who attends GTDDC throughout the year. You're stories of success and insights into your own GTD implementations/productivity systems are the inspiration for me to keep organizing/facilitating our meetup! I look forward to another year of seeing, sharing with and helping familiar faces and new ones too.

Please take a moment to RSVP for this month's meetup. We look forward to having you join us!

With warmest regards,

Ray Sidney-SmithGTDDC Meetup Organizer

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