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proposing a change

From: Jms D.
Sent on: Thursday, April 17, 2014, 11:16 AM

There are times when I do something sort of extreme and then go into a self-reflective phase to sort out what I feel about that extreme thing.  This weekend, it was my howard stern warning to that company, whose name I'm not repeating.

This got me thinking. Can we be better? What would better look like?

As many know, I was in Hacker School's first batch, so when I think about how communities can be created, I look towards the incredible job they've done. In particular, the environment section of their manual:

Our community is obviously different from Hacker School. But I suspect we would benefit from taking on some of their traits. I'm going to start by promising to not be vulgar. I am also going to enforce, in my personal life and interactions with Hack And Tellers, the social rules such no feigning surprise, no well-actually's, and (perhaps most importantly) no subtle sexism. Combine these things with our existing format and I think we'd be on the right track.

Perhaps the result of any discussion here can be our own manual that we put on

Thoughts? Criticisms?


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