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Re: [hamilton-atheists] Invitation to religious-secular day

From: Azy
Sent on: Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 10:09 AM

I think I may attend. Most of the evangelists--both Christian and Muslim--have come to my house on various occasions over the years, and it's time I reciprocated.

I don't know about the Christians, but I certainly know--apart from my family---most of the Muslims who ritualize, do think that they are better than others, and all of us are damned to hell.

Best Regards


From: Diana Glennie <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, September 16,[masked]:41:39 AM
Subject: [hamilton-atheists] Invitation to religious-secular day

Greetings all,
I have just received an email from a Catholic priest, inviting us to the below event meant to "foster mutual understanding and friendship among believers and non-believers". I am not able to attend but have promised to pass the invite along. Should you choose to go, please keep in mind that they appear to genuinely want to get to know us and aren't out to be "dicks" about it. Be friendly and report back on how it was.

Christianity and Secularism
Saturday, September 21st
Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King
714 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario

Fostering mutual understanding and friendship among believers and
non-believers through conversation, music and a social gathering.
10:00am Panel Discussion in the Nicholas Mancini Centre
David Cayley, CBC Writer/Broadcaster
Peter-Anthony Togni, Composer/Musician
Fr. Scott Lewis, SJ, Regis College, Toronto School of Theology
Sr. Bernadette Caron, SOLI, Catholic Catechist
12:00pm Music Concert and Open House in the Cathedral Church
Peter-Anthony Togni, Sharon Fazari, Diocesan Choir
Social Gathering to Follow in the Cathedral Auditorium
For more details visit:

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