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Upcoming Meetup: Important Request and Information

From: Steve
Sent on: Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 4:50 PM
Our next meeting of the Baltimore and Columbia Energy Healers group is happening this coming Sunday, September 23 starting at: 6:45 P.M.

Regarding the upcoming meetup, a couple of important requests:

- The Cancer Support Foundation, Inc., a non-profit charity helping cancer patients and their families in Maryland, is kicking off their fall / holiday food drive to help in need cancer families. For those Sunday event attendees who would like to contribute a non-perishable food item to help with the food drive, please bring the item with you to Sunday's meeting. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REQUIREMENT TO BRING A FOOD ITEM. If, however, you choose to do so, you'll be helping families fighting cancer who, literally, don't have enough food to feed their families. To learn about the Cancer Support Foundation and its work, visit:

- As of this message, we have 31 people on the WAITING LIST. If you are signed up to attend, but your schedule does not now permit you to join the meeting, PLEASE visit our group's web page at:, sign in, and change your RSVP accordingly. Your thoughtful RSVP change will take only a few seconds and you'll be opening a seat for someone else who wants to attend.

Blessings, light, and love,


Stress Solutions, LLC |
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