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What we’re about

What if you could access the lessons of the past – including the distant past of cellular memories and previous lives? Imagine how accessing this energy could change your life: you could resolve recurring patterns and issues; heal long-standing challenges; and even empower future growth! You can access healing energies through your Akashic Records.


Bill Sanda has performed thousands of clearing sessions through an individual's Akashic Records. This is his passion in life. Bill has been a spiritual seeker for more than three decades, and has studied with some of the most respected spiritual masters of our time. His gift for bringing the healing energies of the Akashic Records to others was revealed to him years ago and now he offers this service to people as his gift back to the world. Bill says,” I have been blessed to discover my passion and path in life. I have been guided to work with others using this little known, but powerful process for healing. An Akashic Clearing can heal on many levels: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. I am honored to be granted the ability to share this kind of power with others.”

Please join me in my Introduction to the Akashic Records and see what your Records reveal to you!

Many blessings, Bill