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Trinity Energy Progression Discussion and Open House

From: Paula B.
Sent on: Sunday, May 4, 2014, 8:56 PM
    Sunday, June 1, 2014  noon-3pm
    The Qi Bar, 718 N. Buckner Blvd #332, Dallas, TX  75218

    Do you know of someone who would benefit from learning about the Trinity Energy Progression healing modality - either potentially as a recipient or as a practitioner? Pass on the information... we'll be holding a discussion/Q&A and demonstration on Sunday, June 1st, for all of the above (with a potential practitioner class date as the first weekend in August). 

    This free event is posted at; also, you can pass on the information and invite others via the Facebook event, at
There will potentially be a time when I'm available for sessions, too, over the weekend... let me know if you (or someone you know) is interested, and we'll set it up.

I look forward to seeing everyone!

Love and hugs,

“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As I AM lifted up ALL Life is lifted up with me. And so it is.”

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