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Saturday: Bring Two Guests, Get in Free

From: user 8.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 2:04 PM
Come to Upper Fourth in Santa Rosa this Saturday evening and possibly meet the man/woman of your dreams. I guarantee you will have fun and learn something about yourself in the process. It?s a new era of possibility, so let?s move our fears and worries out of our way and make room for the unexpected.
To take advantage of the new ?Bring Two Guests, Get in Free? offer, you may RSVP ?Yes? and pay $40 for all three or RSVP ?Maybe? and have your two guests pay $25 each at the door.

Please note, the San Francisco event date has been moved from Feb. 11 to Feb. 19 at 6 PM at Levende Lounge.
I hope to see you there!