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New Meetup: Fourth of July Canyon to Manzano Crest Trail (Somewhat Exploratory)

From: David S.
Sent on: Monday, August 30, 2010, 6:02 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Fourth of July Canyon to Manzano Crest Trail (Somewhat Exploratory)

When: Saturday, September 4,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Smith's Food & Drug
200 Tramway Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87101

We will be leaving at 8:35 AM, so please be on time!

Rating: Moderate
Distance: About 7 Miles
Elev Gain:[masked] Feet
Somewhat exploratory- I haven't hiked in the area in several years

We will start at the Fourth of July Canyon Campground in the Manzano Mountains. We will do a loop hike on several trails with an an elevation range of about[masked] feet. Bring water (2 liters minimum), snacks, lunch, layered clothing, rain gear, and appropriate footwear.

Round trip driving distance is[masked] miles. I recommend driver reimbursement of $7 per passenger. The road is suitable for passenger cars.

Dog rules:

1) The dog must get along with people and other dogs.
2) The dog must be capable of doing a moderate hike.
3) You must be willing to keep the dog on a leash if it becomes necessary.
4) You must bring adequate food and water for the dog.
5) You must be willing to drive your vehicle to the trailhead.

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