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Feb. 13 Shamanism Meetup: Retrieving Universal Love

From: White C.
Sent on: Sunday, February 7, 2010, 9:32 PM
Everyone knows about the monstrous disaster in Haiti. We would normally psychopomp work on that at the Feb. Shamanism Meetup, guiding lost souls to the spirit world.

However, hundreds of members of the Cuyamungue Institute, the organization founded to research and teach the shamanic trance postures that we use, have been doing that work ever since the disaster.

I think that situation is being handled.

The message I have been getting over and over in the last few weeks is that our February meetup should be about "universal love".

To me universal love = love and respect for all beings and for "the flow" of life and harmony = the intelligence of the universe as energy = the universe as a great thought

[For some explanation, I have written a Houston Shamanism Examiner column about that: ]

So our mission for the Houston Shamanism Meetup this Saturday, Feb. 13, is to journey to the spirit world to experience and to bring back the concept of universal love to our ordinary reality. You might think of it as retrieving the soul of the Earth or the universe.

Please come and lend your energy to this work. It should be a moving and uplifting experience. We will share our impressions of the journey when we are done.

All who share the belief that all things in the universe have consciousness, and are willing to journey to the spirit world to bring back respect and honor for the consciousness in all things, are welcome to join us in this event.

Afterward, I hope everyone will join us for dinner. We always have a great time talking about metaphysics and whatever else is on our minds. And we usually laugh a lot.

If you cannot be with us in person this Saturday night, maybe you will choose journey on your own, or just send energy to aid in our mission. Thanks and blessings for whatever you decide to do.

White Cranes