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Lunch collaboration for May

From: Mark T.
Sent on: Saturday, April 13, 2013, 11:44 AM

Hello everyone,

At the last board meeting of the Humanists of MN I floated the idea that at the chapter meeting for May, Lunch With Humanists might take the form of a collaborative participation rather than a catered event. This seemed to appeal to the entire board.

We will be having the 3 summer month outdoor socials after May's meeting and those picnics are pot-luck of course so it would be a little like that but I will coordinate things in May so that we get a nice variety for lunch.

So here's what I'd like you to do:

Consider signing up with me to bring something to share. Participation will be payment for lunch for you. Think in terms of something to share that would be servings for about 8 to 10 people. If you have a recipe that you like to do for gatherings, suggest it to me. If you are willing to pick something up from the store to bring, let me know. I'll gather all the info and put it together in early May and make assignments from that list.

I will be making an announcement like this at our Chapter meeting on April 20th and a reminder in May as well.


Mark Thoson    [address removed]

P.S. Just a reminder, if you haven't signed up for lunch this month, provided by Highland Grill, do that here:

April Lunch With Humanists

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